Yo everyone.
The girl is back typing on her keyboard.
Caught a cold. Darn. I'm sniffing every time, beginning to think that people are calling me "Sniffing Girl" behind my back.
Anyways, it's been almost a week in the new apartment. So far so good. Except there'll be a problem if one of us wants to watch TV, cause the living room is also the study room. And I work best in peace and quiet. You know, this genius has its conditions too.
Been cooking, Hau is such a lucky bastard. Home cooked food.
Been finding ways to minimise my spendings. Not a very difficult thing to do.
I don' know why my queen-sized bed is giving me troubles sleeping. Maybe it's about the mattress being too soft, I don't know. I keep waking up in the middle of the night. GAHH, I'm so craving for long stretches of sleep each day. Sigh. Plus, it gives me weird weird weird WEIRD dreams.
I'm doing ok in Econs and Accounting.
Management and FCOM assignments are creating more havoc than the subjects itself have already given me.
It's been so cold the past two days. My face felt frozen when I'm outside (exaggeratively). But seriously, my lips get numb from the cold.
A sign of autumn-ness. Then winter.
GAWD, can't imagine how cold it'll get then. It's only beginning of autumn.
Oh, and, I met some new friends from church. In particular Life Group.
Grace is Korean/Chinese.
Febrina is Indonesian.
And Li is from Shanghai.
Well, there are a few more but I'm closest to these as for now.
Grace and Febrina are the ultra-est cutest human beings I've ever met. Like, they're older than me a couple of years but they're just like.............................. kids?
I mean, they're really adorable and all =)
Li, is a.. hmm how to describe... I can't say a guy cute like a kid right?
He's sociable, he's nice. =)
Suka my NZ friends! YAY
I need internet access at home soon.