Apr 15, 2010

As White as My Scarf

I need to get those eye patches that you wear to sleep.

Forgot what it's called.
I wake up automatically at 8am something even though I need more sleep cause it gets too bright.

You know, it amazes me how many people you will meet in life.
And how many people you will lose in the process. Or get cut off. Or forget.
And how many people you wished you could continue something with. But didn't in the end.

Regret, stains my memory with you.
Those ugly blotches, even the strongest bleach solution could not wash away.

Sometimes I just want to fly all the way to wherever you are. And hold you tight. Until the coldness between us melts away.
And then I would move on, and never look back.

God, hand me a new piece of cloth. White, fresh and unstained.
I would paint it delicately, with flowers, butterflies and trees. Lovely things.
And with You guiding my hand in this designated piece of fabric.
So that it may be beautiful and pleasing in Your eyes.


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